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Emotional Intelligence

Build a culture that is happier, healthier, and more dynamic.

…and stop losing your best people.

Are you noticing a reduction in productivity and a team that seems disengaged?

You are not alone. In an era of the ‘great resignation’ and a surge of employees ‘quiet quitting’, a lack of emotional intelligence in the workplace has emerged as a major reason why.


Terri-Ann has reunited our team - the workshops have tangible impacts on the teams strategies. We find ourselves referring to tools and learnings from her workshop in our everyday meetings and work.

- Ginette Gautreau, Multicultural Council

Terri-Ann totally delivered on her promise! She is an inspirational leader who is empowering other leaders with the right skills through her passion and expertise.

- Christine Eruokwu, PRUDE Inc

Terri-Ann is a rock star presenter and organizer. I've become mesmerized by her no-nonsense and upbeat approach to training leaders so that they can fulfill their roles and move their teams to greater success.

- Tony Thayer, Executive

Terri-Ann’s leadership provided my team with thoughtful and tactical feedback that can help their business grow. She is authentic and asks great questions to get you thinking how to approach and reach your own personal and professional goals.

- Shannon Manuel, RBC

Investing in Individual & Team Emotional Intelligence Training Pays Dividends

Increased Leadership Ability

Improved Decision Making

Increased Team Performance

Reduced Staff Turnover

Decreased Occupational Stress

Increased Personal Well-Being

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Employees are 400% less likely to leave a job if they have a high EQ manager.

Want to bring Emotional Intelligence Training to your organization?


Individual & 360 Assessments


Full & Half-Day Workshops


6 Week 1-Hour Series


Organization, leaders and teams become better when we first become aware of our own emotional intelligence skills and gaps.

EI is part nature and part nurture. When we become aware of what parts of our inner-self are working for us and against us, we can make decisions that allow us to do better. The EQ-i 2.0 is a scientifically valid reliable assessment that focuses on 15 core competencies.

Available as a Leadership assessment or a Workplace assessment, as well in both forms as a 360 assessment.

Click to view report samples:

EQ-i 2.0 Leadership Report

EQ-i 2.0 Workplace Report

EQ 360 Leadership Report

EQ 360 Workplace Report

When to use the EQ-i 2.0 Individual Workplace Report

An employee’s skills and qualifications are certainly important for success within a current role. An employee’s emotional intelligence is just as important, if not more so, to reach their highest potential within and beyond their current role. The EQ-i 2.0 Workplace Report is an employee personality assessment and test designed to be used in:

- coaching and development situations for an individual at a non-management level
- helps coaches focus on the impact of emotional intelligence at work
- offers suggestions for working more effectively in one’s role with colleagues, supervisors and client

>> Key Features of the EQ-i 2.0 Workplace Report <<

Overview of Employee’s Results: Get an overall picture of your client’s complete EQ-i 2.0 results along with definitions of each subscale.

- Quickly identify patterns in your employee’s profile
- Give your employee a clear, organized understanding of their strengths and weaknesses in a constructive way
- Effectively measure where your employee is and wants to be by comparing results against sample groups of general population or professional respondents

Individual Subscale Pages: With an employee personality assessment and test, you gain deeper insight into how each subscale impacts your client’s work performance (i.e. conflict resolution, change management, teamwork, decision making, etc) – with suggested strategies customized based on the individual’s results.

- This section is the foundation for making relevant links between the employee’s behavior at work and emotional skill set
- Get specific and actionable strategies to drive your client’s success in each subscale
- Provide helpful information on each EI skill in language that enables the employee to utilize strengths

Balance EI: Take interpretation further by making important links between key scales with the Balancing EI section.

>>Balance EI<<

- Make instant connections between related subscales and help the employee to leverage EI strengths and improve EI weaknesses
- Get started on feedback with pre-designed narratives explaining the common traits of imbalanced emotional intelligence skills
- Save preparation time as much of the interpretation is done for you based on the individual’s results

- EQ-i 2.0 Workplace Assessment/Report

- Confidential Debrief/Coaching Session

- Application Resources for implementation

When to use the EQ-i 2.0 Individual Leadership Report

Every company has experienced situations where a leader shows strengths in core competencies necessary for the job role, but might be exhibiting EI blind spots of which peers are taking notice. Or, a company finds an employee that exhibits great work ethic and is an emerging star amongst his/her peers, while showing comparable traits to leaders within the organization. In both scenarios, the Leadership Report is a powerful assessment for leadership development, executive development and coaching, and developing high potential leaders.

The Leadership Report examines results through four key dimensions for high performance leaders. Dimensions are derived from 220 leaders from mid-level management through C-leadership roles across a variety of industries. As a group, leaders have a significantly higher EI than the general population (on average 14 pts).

>>Four key dimensions for high performance leaders<<

Key Features of the EQ-i 2.0 Leadership Report:
In addition to features found in the EQ-i 2.0 Workplace Report, the Leadership Report also includes:

>>The Emotional Intelligence Leadership Bar<<

The leader’s score is compared to the gold bar that represents the range of scores of the top leaders (those whose EQ-i 2.0 scores were in the top 50% of the leader sample).

>>Executive Summary Page<<
View the leader’s 3 highest and 3 lowest scoring EI subscales.

- Identify specific areas in which the leader excels and helps fuel organizational and personal performance
- Identifies skills in need of development in order to prioritize strategies for growth

>>Leadership Potential Page<<
The Leadership Potential summary feedback links every subscale page to the four leadership competencies. The Leadership De-railer section examines how low scores for specific EI skills may hinder leadership success.

- EQ-i 2.0 Leadership Assessment/Report
- Confidential Debrief/Coaching Session
- Action Plan

When to use the Workplace EQ 360 Report?

When working in an organization, it’s important to be cognizant of the impact of one’s actions on colleagues. The EQ 360 report offers an in-depth analysis by having those that work with an individual and know them personally provide feedback in addition their self-assessment to provide a 360 degree view of his or her effectiveness and EQ competencies. This report can be used for results specific to a workplace context, enabling career and organizational development. It identifies blind spots, strengths, and developmental opportunities in the workplace. The Workplace 360 report lends itself well to a follow-up with the same group of evaluators to compare results and track progress.

>>Impulse Control<<

Applications of the Workplace EQ 360:

- Leadership development

- Team effectiveness

- Succession Planning

- General Coaching

Features and Benefits

- Clear alignment with the EQ-i 2.0 Model

- Debrief includes a full narrative on how to interpret results and put strategies for development into immediate action

- Specific and actionable strategies to leverage strengths and develop challenge areas

- Learning tools to include: EQ 360 Profile Gap Analysis and Rater Response Summaries

- Interpretation and developmental strategies to include: balancing emotional intelligence, a well-being indicator and impact-at-work insight


- EQ-i Workplace 360 Assessment/Report

- Confidential Debrief/Coaching Session

- Action Plan

When to use the Leadership EQ 360 Report?

LeaWhen looking at a potential, new, or existing leader within an organization, it is not only important to gain an understanding of their performance in the workplace; but also for them to gain insights into their performance as a leader by peers, direct reports and supervisors. Similar to the Workplace EQ 360, the Leadership EQ 360 Report allows for an unlimited number of raters to provide feedback and provides insights into opportunities for development. The Leadership 360 report lends itself well to a follow-up with the same group of evaluators to compare results and track progress.

>> Composite Areas<<

Features and Benefits

- Up to 20 raters

- Clear alignment with the EQ-i 2.0

- Learning tools to include: EQ 360 Profile Gap Analysis and Rater Response Summaries

- Specific and actionable strategies to leverage strengths and develop challenge areas

- Alignment to the 4 key leadership dimensions (authenticity, coaching, insight and innovation)

- Add up to 5 custom open ended questions relevant to organizational goals, situations, and desired outcomes

- Interpretation and developmental strategies to include: balancing emotional intelligence, a well-being indicator and impact-at-work insight


- EQ-i Leadership 360 Assessment/Report

- Confidential Debrief/Coaching Session

- Action Plan

“If you’re a leader and you want to mobilize your team, one of the first things you can do is listen to them. Empathy is a critical skill to begin with for leaders because by listening to people and understanding where they’re coming from, you’ll have a better handle on how to motivate those people and what’s important to them. That’s the first step in your ability to influence people, and influencing people is a critical skill for leaders.”

- Dr. Steven Stein, CEO, MHS

Emotionally Effective Leader Workshop

Timing: 1x Full Day or 2x Half Days

Application Sessions

The Emotionally Effective Leader Workshop is a virtual interactive program. To ensure maximum participation and engagement, we alternate between group activities and individual reflective exercises. This engaging workshop encourages leaders to focus on their leadership strengths and areas they can develop further.

Leveraging results from leaders’ EQ-i 2.0® Leadership Reports, participants of this session will learn the importance of emotional intelligence in effective leadership and leave with a better understanding of their strengths and areas to develop to enhance their leadership skills. As well, participants will have an action plan on how to increase their effectiveness to follow after the session ends.


Understand the role of EQ in effective leadership
Articulate strengths and areas with opportunity for growth
Understand the key elements of the EQ-i 2.0 Leadership Report
Explore key areas of leadership in relation to emotional intelligence
Identify and understand how aspects of EQ lead to derailing behaviors
Apply what they have learned in the session by developing a personal EQ-i 2.0 learning plan
*Sessions are available in person or virtual

EQ Connections Series

Timing: 6x – 1 hour modules

Application Sessions

The EQ Connection Series is an interactive virtual training series that engages your employees in foundational learnings of emotional intelligence. It can be used as a companion to the trusted EQ-i 2.0 assessment, the content provides flexible options for delivery, so we can work with your teams schedule.


Increased self awareness and knowledge
Improved team cohesion and performance
Strategies for improvement and development
Gain a deeper knowledge on the 5 composites of EQ (self perception, self expression, interpersonal, decision-making and stress management)
*Sessions are available in person or virtual
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